The Frequency of Love is Within You…

You can slow down, get quiet, and receive soothing words.  Let them wash over you.  Allowing soothing words to wash over you is loving to you. Paying attention to soothing words and the space between them is like becoming the smooth stones nestled at the bottom of a riverbed, giving in to the pull of gravity, while savoring the steady caress of water.  Being present to soothing words and the space between them, invites your loving awareness.  The loving awareness that washes away resistance and allows the perception of wholeness, freedom, and empowerment to reign. From this state of being, savor the feeling of being held in wonder by the Infinite Loving Universe.


Columbia Jane

Columbia Jane is an inspirational writer, an artist, and a passionate visionary. She draws from the multilayered insights she has received and continues to receive from her mystical healing experiences spanning from 2007 onward. Dedicated to a personal process of evolving her energy through study, meditation, and practicing heart & brain coherence, she chooses to see challenges and obstacles as quirky detour signs beckoning her into greater awareness, love, and surrender. She experiences herself as transfiguring (transforming into a more elevated being).   Her poetic writings are an invitation to remember the feeling of being held in wonder by the Infinite Loving Universe. 

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